Divine Elixir 30ml
Divine Elixir is a rich organic oils blend that boosts the performance of grooming products such as shampoos, Conditioner and Clay Mask. It provides great hydration, restores softness, shine and elasticity while it promotes hair growth and enhances skin’s health. Divine Elixir can also be used as a mist spray to hydrate and nourish the coat.
Benefits of Divine Elixir - Promotes Hair Growth - Great Hydration
- Repairs Mantle- Helps Healing the Skin
- Enhances Natural Coat Colours - Leaves coat soft touch
- Protects the coatSuggested Hair types: Any Coat Type Designed for: Dog, Cat & Horse
1. Can be diluted up to 1 part of Divine Elixir to 80 parts of Concentrated Shampoo (at 1lt shampoo bottle add 12.5ml of Divine Elixir & at 250ml shampoo bottle add 4ml of Divine Elixir)
2. Add 3-5 pumps of Divine Elixir to an already diluted shampoo
3. Can be used to enhance Rejuvenation Conditioner’s performance, similar use with shampoo.
4. Can be used to enhance Green Clay Mask’s performance, similar use with shampoo.
5. Can be used as mist spray. Dilute 1 pump of Divine Elixir to 20ml of water and spray from distance to hydrate and nourish the coat.